Friday, June 23, 2006

About the Weekend

Well folks, it's the weekend and I am still stuck at work. Still waiting around for stuff to finish. I am currently updating the schedule to see where we can trim down on excess. Truth is we may need the extra time as the work quality for the mechanical work this time around is very poor.

I have also been experimenting with Skype (TM) on new lappy toppy. It works great! There was absolutely no echo heard even when I was using the speakers, plus the web cam is real time despite being a slow internet connection.

My Cooling Tower

Tried several movies and played around with the photo software. What caught me by surprise was how rich all pictures look on the screen. Really really beautiful! I also rewatched Advent Children to test the DVD capabilities... fuuh.. the start of the fight sequence with Sephiroth was mind blowing!

I also tried out the two carry case... I really like the back pack.. it has a solid feel to it.

On the home front my ADSL modem is kaput. But that really is a blessing in disguise as I have been spending more and more time reading. I have finished three books in the last one week, books that I have been getting around to finish in ages. I have also started to reread the photoshop books I have bought, trying out the various tricks.. cool...

But what I really want to do in my free time is brush up on my visual basic and C++ language. It has been years since I last used them. I know the book is lying around in the house somewhere.

So all this waiting for maintenance to finish their work, and no modem at home combined has really made this week one of my most productive in terms of learning.

For this I would like to thank God for his eternal blessings and my wife for graciously allowing me to buy the VAIO. Yes dear you can borrow it anytime you need it ;)

My plan for the coming week

a) Clean the living room
b) Clean the car
c) Pay my bills - car loan, electricity, phone, credit card etc.
d) Finish off two more books while start reading a third
e) Startup the plant
f) Write the VAIO review

Currently listening to

a) Anything on the radio and on the hard disk

Currently reading

a) 13 Fatal Errors
b) How to Get Rich Your Own Way
c) Bonehunters
d) Startup Procedures


Mama Pongkey said...

Finally no more working during the weekend, inshaAllah?

;) You might regret the offer of lending me the laptop ANYTIME my Dear... :D

Orangkilang said...

yang ada skype tak?

Orangkilang said...

plant masih shutdown.. so this weekend and the next most likely masih kena kerja.. target is by 11th July dah ada product so maybe boleh rehat then

Mama Pongkey said...

No I don't, nak try ke?

Moving offices today or ne Monday. So kalau nak try Skypeing should do it over te weekend while I still have internet connection... Yahoo?

Mama Pongkey said...

Okay I have got the kiputy Skype now. Same username as my Yahoo.

Orangkilang said...

my skype name is ikmalhm

dith said...

Yes, gone are the good old days of sitting back with a good book. You are getting so techie that the next time I see you, I'd be imagining wires, antennas and digital gizmos sticking out of your ears, nose etc!

Mama Pongkey said...

I think he imagined the same (wires, antennas etc) underneath my tudung too before I got married. Must be why I was nicknamed computer number Two!!!

Anonymous said...

im so glad to find an entry that echoes what i do! my blog has become extremely geeky the past couple of days that ive been become worried of myself!

nice to see a friend with similar interests; reading books on computers, photoshop, experimenting with hardware etc. Gld to see you're putting plans for the weekend as well. I might put one of my own!

it turns out that i dont have skype, i have trillian and all the other IMs.

Orangkilang said...

go for skype! really good and its free!

Orangkilang said...

It took me an hour to starup my laptop today. Yesterday I upodated my windows... soon after the laptop went nuts.. so I am in the process of removing whatever programs were installed yesterday..

but the laptop startup is still slow.

Orangkilang said...

DITH.. heheh selma ni mmg ada wire terkeluar kiri kanan.. but I have always believed in the human approach first before technology. kan Nokia pun dia nyer motto connecting people... Also most technological companies pun put emphasis on people example maxis. hehehe. so when ever we all meet, my gadgets take a back seat to people...

Of course kalau orang I meet to geek or really really into tech, then of course i will talk about tech... hehehe.. i enjoy talking about anything and people, especially if they are passionate about they like.. it is really a great pleasure and inspiration to listen. I once listen to a firend talk about hisrock hobby... i mean rocks are dead broing to me, but what made it interesting was the fact that the guy was really into it.

Dear... I have been trying to give you all the gadgety stuff, PDA, laptops (plural), digital camera as well as a blutooth earpiece for the phone... hehehe.. so yeah, I love the fact that you are tech savvy, at least anak anak tak leh klentong.. I mean cuba imagine anak BIll Gates klentong dia pasal say Windows kan.. sure dia tahu anak dia goreng... hehehe. Anak dia jawab I have been using a real stable version of Win XP.. Bill pun kata.. you liar... you're using OS X!;)

Mynn... do talk more about gadgets, but please avoid linking to other sites too much.. I mean your take on it to me is more interesting and probably more relevant.. these review sites all they do is review tech.. what i like to hear is how tech helps or does not help people in theire daily lives...

Take me for instance..I need a powerful computer, not because I am greedy but I multitask and I am very impatient. My desktop computer they gave me runs on windows 2000, can't read USB drives, starts really slowly, plus is prone to crashing (as all wintel pcs tend to do). Now I have my laptop, I am able to do two three things at once.. while listening to music or the radio...I mean, I find it hard to focus on one thing except really2 important things like my wife. Even when I watch dloaded stories I tend to play hearts or solitaire. One time I was writing up a report while watching...


Mama Pongkey said...

Hah!!! Lapotps plural!!!!! Mana ada!!! Heloooo I paid for those laptops (plural) all by myself!!!! :P~~~~

High time you bought me one, eh? :D

dith said...

Jgn gaduh. Jgn gaduh. Tunggu balik nanti baru gaduh. Kasi ganyang sama OK! hehe

p.s. OK that cooling tower pic makes apt banner for this blog.

mynn said...

on my linux at the moment.

so apa jadi dgn the new laptop? still starting up slowly.

oh just incase, if you're planning to install linux as well: dont!! at least, not on the new Vaio.

As with me, i try to install the minimum possible, especially on the vaio.

ps. thanks for the comment on reducing links.

i agree with dith re: the cooling tower.

Mama Pongkey said...

Hehehe just reminding O-K what he hasn't bought me yet. Well to befair, he did buy me all the other stuff, plus a house too, so can't complain too much. He did, however provide technical expertise on which laptops to buy so I guess tu yang buat dia terasa dia yang belikan kot! Hehehehe.

I get to choose the carpets, dear. And the cooking pots. And the furniture/lack thereof.

Orangkilang said...

Thanks for the recommend guys.. will keep that in mind...
My morning meetings with the shutdown group is slowly turning into a comedy... first they tell us 18th of June all work will complete, then 23rd, then 26th then 28th, then 30th now it is the first of July.... hahahaha... what a laugh..

So all I am doing now is waiting...waiting and all the while reading...

yesterday I was unwell, had a fever, it was raining heavily plus I must have eated something rotten. I kept on going to the toilet... that's why I had no appetite as well as I had no energy...

Orangkilang said...

laptop still slow... rasa macam nak hantar balik ke kedai sony suruh dia orang reformat balik jer.... grrrr...

not planning to install things on the laptop as it is a working laptop so i am just installing the programs I am using for work like ms office, lotus etc...

of course i do use the laptop as a movie machine as the screen is fantastic! and absolutely must be used for this...

To KKL, yes dear, you get to choose the furniture.. except I want to choose the fridge...hehehe..

the only other area I want to pimp out is the family entertainment area.. first of all must be child minimal wires and must be comfy for kids to sleep in while the adults watch LOTR for the hundreth time hahaha.

Mama Pongkey said...

The shutdown completion date is a bit like our shift aka 'decant' to another site. First they tell us we will move offices early last week, then it was at the end of last week. Then our new office wasn't completed yet (the workmen were busy putting up shelves that I and a couple of other colleagues manually unscrewed from the walls in an effort to keep within the budget. Yes imagine a ladylike hijabi in a skirt and dress socks climbing upon worktops armed with a trusty Phillip!) so we finally moved office today. Except the removal men's contract was for last week only, so Professors, Senior Lecturers and students were seen lugging over huge crates of computer equipment, books, journals, chairs, fridge etc over to our new office. What a palava! We managed to do so with only a couple of trolleys.
So Malaysia is not too behind UK when it comes to certain things... hehehe...

Mama Pongkey said...

Last couple of weeks was a huge lesson in management.. er.. like what not to do.

Dear O-K.. ok you get to choose our fridge. I am kinda into carpets and cushions.. imagine sprawling about comfortable while we watch the movie on the ceiling (eh pernah ke orang buat?)

Orangkilang said...

yeaps... but only in Vegas I think..

Mama Sarah said...

hey i've seen that on tv advert here in UK. depa rearrange tv sini sana, semua tak kena. last2 pasang dkt ceiling, pastu both couple tersenyum bahagia.

haaaaa (ni i sambung sendiri) pastu tv jatuh berdentum atas the couple baru tahu, oleh kerana pasang tv tu secara DIY.

Mama Sarah said...

kata nak change template?

nanti i ceroboh masuk rumah ni baru tahu!

Mama Pongkey said...

Mama Sarah

Hmmm iklan tu kot yang pernah kita tgk dulu... tapi tak ingat pulak tv tu jatuh.

Change template? Ahahahaha. Hentahlah.

Anonymous said...

Rasa nak change.. but kilang tak start lagi.l. the date has been moved... yet again! So all I can do is wait..

Currently listening to Where you'd go... Fort Minor..

mynn said...


lama tak comment kat sini :)

dude, baru je teringat, my vaio pun start slow jugak, infact im sure boot time dia around a full um 7-10 minutes kot. poor kan? like you said i just suspend and resume the laptop, rather than do a full boot. even from suspend, it's quite slow, takes around 1-2 minutes for windows to stabilise and become usable.

man, jealous tengok your vaio. but did you guys realise, sebenarnya everything has come full circle, sebab it was okay who recommended me buying a vaio when i asked him for laptop recommendations. ingat tak? sebenarnya o-k has always wanted a vaio ... :)

bestnya korang tengah decide macamana nak hias rumah. cant wait to get a house of our own.

Anonymous said...

Haah.. you got the white one and i got the cool black one.. hehehehe... sort of goes with the car... yanowwattahmin?


Mama Pongkey said...


mynn said...

dude, vaio tu kat sini with same specs harga dia £899. no, i'm not gently suggesting for hanis utk beli satu jugak. RM 5400 je.

(hanis, beli satu jugak!)

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha.. takperlah... i am more than happy with what i got now...


yesterday dia orang potong air sebab lupa bayar bill so i am showering at the office.. nasib baik ada power shower..

sunday baru boleh dapat balik air..


plant tgh prepare to startup..

I am thinking of ways to cut the time for startup

Anonymous said...

Decide macam mana nak hias rumah... hmm

actually I leave it all to the Queen of the house.. hehehe... I really have no say in it... bukan apa...I am a little indifferent to the stylings... I am partial to japanese, but then again I don't really mind.. I love minimalist things because I am too damn lazy to clean...

If you guys come over and stay jgn terkejut kalau duduk atas cushion or lantai.. of course rumah tu ada 5 bijik air cond so kalau panas can on..

the only thing i want to choose is the fridge... hehe.. of course I am given the entertainment area to 'hias'. I have talked to Asrul about it and we were wondering if we can adopt a smart house concept.

Tak lama lagi he will be moving to his new house in bukit jelutong.. he will then be neighbours with my dad.. how cool is that!

at the moment reading through some documents nak cari ilham


Mama Pongkey said...

Yes. Very partial to the let's all roll on the floor and keep ourselves comfortable with a lot of cushions and comfy rugs approach. Will keep me very popular with the kids, especially Mynn's, I presume. But must have chairs for the veterans who have sakit lutut and belakang.

:D I am resigned to the entertainment area being O-K's domain. But am also eagerly awaiting what he will come up with.

Mama Pongkey said...


Hmmm... will seriously consider it.. although since the warranty on my lappy toppy is good for another 2 years, not till then, perhaps. :)

Re: minimalist.. why spend life cleaning when there are sooo many other interesting things to do... that's my approach to it :D

Anonymous said...

ahhh.. THX certified surround sound with a dlp projector all with air conditioning and rip your heart out kick ass bass...

Movies are all HiDef.. except those cetak rompak ones;)

Even AF sounds good! so expect the parents if theywant to climb the stairs!

Mama Pongkey said...

Please call me as soon as you can.

The Soundaholic said...

Wah...i see the word kaput... interesting meh!

Orangkilang said...

yeaps the modem rosak.. so maybe this weekend i will buy a new one in kuantan kalau visit ayah

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!
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