Friday, June 02, 2006

My Wife

Hiya all,

I guess I have been very inactive in my postings. To be honest I have been working now for the last 20 plus days so by the time I get back home I fall asleep.....

But that's not what I want to talk about today..

You see I have not always been the way I am today.. My friends from back in the days would remember me as someone very very serious. I shun the public as I felt really really uncomfortable in crowds, preferring instead the quiet intimacy of close friends and family. In fact to this day I still retain some of these 'anti-social' like behaviour(s).

Nowadays I am more relaxed and confident in my dealings with people from all walks of life, enjoying the interactions a little more and definitely able to see the funnier side of life.

So what made me change?

Well as the title says, it's all about a girl, the person who has my heart in her hands, who makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world.

My Wife.

To be honest, nothing I write can ever compare to how much she means to me and how much I miss her. My long hours have only served to remind me how much her presence in my life is missing (for now).

Dear if you are reading this..know that I dream of of you...



dith said...

I am truly sorry that I am the first to read this sordid LOVE LETTER eheheh

Eh OK, nantilah dia balik nanti, jumpa hari2 sampai mintak 'personal time' pulak, ahahahh

Rindunya hati ku tidak terkira..
Bagai sang pungguk menanti rembulan...

Mama Pongkey said...

Made me cry a bit.

I don't really know what I did to change you. *still very much clueless* But I have always loved you for the person you are since we first met.. maybe we clicked because we are both antisocial? :D

I want to drop everything and go home right away. But for the time being, my prayers, my hopes and dreams are for you and our future inshaAllah...

:D teruk kawe nak mengqadha personal time O-K... hehehe.. kalau kawe baliks kawe lak antisocial, faham2 je lah.. *can't wait*

Anonymous said...

Good talent but you definately need a much better camera. Best time to ask for it is at the airport where every wish is granted.

pycnogenol said...

OK - This entry must surely be the most potent of all antibiotics that any doctor can ever prescribe!! ;))

Why is it that I have this feeling that many, MANY of us here are really anti social, but believe me, I LOVE ALL my anti-social bloggers, you and kenakelayan including.

First time here, so salam perkenalan.

dith said...


Anti-social? hehe...Are we? hmm lemme see. No, no we're not anti-social. We're just creatures who socialize better in writing rather verbally which is so NOT YOU considering your profession!

Jamil said...

The kind of writing guaranteed to bring a flutter to any girl's heart :)

Mama Sarah said...

Bby! Where's my overdue love letter? Tengok ni, OK tulis kat KKL so beautifully written.

I want one too!

Boogey said...

DITH anti social? Hahahahaha. No lar. I think some people takes a longer time to warm up sebab jarang bersukan. Peloh lambat keluar. Pas tu teramat berhati hati takut tersinggungkan hati orang especially yang tertentu...
P5 paling cepat warm up. Cepat warm up ni bau nya plak la al maklum sebab banyak peloh.

dith said...

Pak Boogey-

Sesungguhnya menjaga hati sesama insan adalah dituntut. Betul tak Pycno?

Boogey- kerja banyak ke? Senyap jek semenjak dua menjak ni

mynn said...

oh my god, where is that bucket again???

only joking, you guys must be one of the sweetest couple on blogger, seriously. i'm quite envious.

may allah grant you two a blissful life together in the years ahead. amin

Orangkilang said...

A friend once mentioned that if you are looking for the most trust worthy person in the world look at his hutang.. lagi banyak lagi trustworthy.. apa taknya.. bankpun percaya walaupun hutang menggunung.
