Tuesday, April 18, 2006

April Fool

On 1 April 2006

Hmm in the few hours I have been away there have been many postings.. ah well..

Just came back from Kuantan, an old schoolmate was getting married, plus I needed some groceries.

The day was okay but the sun was not always out. Been trying out my camera. Was not really satisfied with any of the shots.

the good thing about being in Kuantan is that there are plenty of books stores and magazine shops. Bought digital photography malaysian edition that had 50 tips to improve my pictures. So yeah.. will be reading through them

hoping that my pics are of good enough quality to share.


Today things are going really2 slow..

Hmm can't wait to go home.

any way, latest dev on the home front. the big-sis (BS) wants to stay at my house. Says that she is afraid that some people may send jin and what not her way.

Oh well. Don't really know about that. The good thing is at least the house will be clean and I need to prepare the PC for her. Create another profile, clean up the room etc.

I want to learn another language. Any good sites to dload the mp3s? Can put it in the car on the way to and from work.


5:04 AM

Ohh.. I see.. so now no TV, no PC and out of luck... hmm..

Nampak gaya the most conducieve atmosphere for study... hehehe

Looks like Sumpahan telah mejadi.. kalau habis exam sure semua okay balik...

Me well, my stuff are okay. The camera is doing fine, the pc now okay, my kaptop still busted but will not buy new one as - no point - my video camera masih cari charger baru.. (man!) and my PDA phone jam so back to using the nokia. I will be concentrating on fixing the phone. I have many things that I need to do with it. Not least is I need the organiser function as I gave my organiser book to budak SPM. Nak buat macam mana.. dia cekup dulu... damn..

this week it is not as busy as last week so I can spend more time reading at night.


11:39 AM

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