Monday, April 17, 2006

On Assessment

The car is great.. however, the car is only the blam for what has been the lousiest week in my working life ever..

For the last several days i have been busy rereading and grading the assessment of the inidividuals in my department, and the worse part was to remove all those who initially had been given a good rating and downgrading them to fair.

What irks me is that i have been given the task of doing this and some other guy is enjoying his meetings with Taiwanese visitors and the bosses.

But at times one must swallow the bad along with the good. The exercise has made me more serious when looking at these assessments. I am already thinking of ways to make it better and more objective driven. Last year I have tried with KPI cascading and the introduction of IPCs. The guys were not willing to follow as they were afraid that the numbers will catch them out. As a result they use more qualitative means to give themselves ratings. This actually is even worse as in the eyes of the management, because the plant can't run a qualitative way of looking at the workforce is that they all did not perform.

With IPC, it is possible to see the vast improvements that have been made as it also tracks the performance in the previous year.

So i find myself at 4 pm looking at the watch wondering when can I leave and start driving..

Any way, i will post the pics soon. Just need tot ransfer them to the pc.


11:05 PM

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