Well folks,
Here I am midnight... in Malaysia at least.. writing an entry..
sometimes there are is some attraction of writing a blog or co-authoring one.. however, my busy schedule does not permit me too much time to do so. So what's diffrent about tonight? Well for one I slept soundly during the day, and secondly, I am loaded with caffiene.. Yeaps I am not giving that up... tried it.. my headaches were there.. caffiene relieves me, and calms me.. instead of making me hyper.. maybe because without it I am lethargic??
I have been doing a lot of thinking (my best thoughts are when I sleep btw), thinking about work, my family, life in general..
Well I decided to share some of my thoughts.
Life is seldom fair.
However, as long as we are fair to ourselves and our loved ones, that should be enough for anyway. Expecting more is being optimistic, so be prepared to be disappointed if we do so.
Currently watching "How i met your mother" A new comedy featuring people 28-32 yrs old. It is told in flashback form by the lead character Ted in 2030.
Pretty funny hehehe..
Listening to many things now.. from Andy Williams, to Queen, to Nikelback to Jap Pop.
I remember when I was younger being brought up with a healthy dose of Carpenters, ABBA, Lionel Ritchie, Boney M and Mike J.
My dad had Donna Summers, but my mom I think discourgaged us to listen to her as her front cover on the CD was way too sexy.. the irony was we listened to Madonna... hmm go figure..
Currently compiling some tracks for the car.. BTW.. car is gorgeous.. I mean both the looks and the ride. The sound system though not the best is immersive..there is even an aux jack for ipod.. and it plays mp3/wma.
At the moment listening to Destiny - Vanessa Mae.. hmm maybe a good overtaking song.. or should that be Storm?
Writing while listning to violins really do stimulate the brain..
down side is I am not sleepy at all.. hmmm
Also tried goblin bashing in Dungeon Siege 2. Played for three hours.. after that sick of looking at all the blood. Need to get Oblivion.. I here the graphics and sound are great. The story is also good.. so I read.
Now playing...
Rie fu - Life is like a boat
Okay for now... looking at my picture collection... maybe will try playing around with some photoshop... cool..
Now playing
Vanessa Mae - Storm.
12:39 PM
OK, I agree, attack is the best defence...tapi kalau backfire mati la. imagine Muh face if suddenly the female friend pun balas balik "I've been feeling the same way about you too". haha, another priceless D50 moment there.
1:03 PM